
Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Tomatoes' Health Benefits

Tomatoes, which are actually a fruit and not a vegetable, are loaded with all kinds of health benefits for the body. They are in fact, a highly versatile health product and due to their equally versatile preparation options, there's really no reason to neglect the tomato as part of a healthy diet. The health benefits of tomatoes are becoming more and more documented every day as we learn new uses of this amazing fruit.
Tomato health benefits
1. Tomatoes contain lycopene - a phytonutrient believed to have cancer fighting benefits. Lycopene has been proven to play a role in preventing colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic cancers. It can also help prevent heart disease.
2. One cup of tomatoes deliver almost 58 per cent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. This vitamin helps your body fight infection, increase your iron absorption, maintain the health of your connective tissues, improve your skin, and reduce stress.
3. Tomatoes also contain vitamin A, helping your skin, eyes and immune system stay healthy.
4. They're a good source of fibre, keeping your cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check.
5. They also contain vitamin K, which help maintain the strength of your bones.
    (by )

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